Online Marketing
Key Considerations for Investor Relations Websites
Creating an Investor Relations page that grabs the attention of various shareholders and instills confidence in your business is a crucial part of your company’s...
Improved Search Engine Optimization for a Medical Technology Company
Project Summary Glaukos had a 22% increase in organic search traffic and a 67% increase in form submissions through PINT’s initial round of search engine...
Top Tools, Challenges, and Opportunities for Marketers in 2019
Late in 2018 and early in 2019, we conducted nine phone interview surveys with marketing executives that work with PINT. The purpose of these interviews...
Who’s using and converting on my site?
This is a basic intro to GA demographics You’ve got your product ready to go, your site looks great, and you’re ready to start targeting...
Your Tags are Slowing You Down
Using Google Analytics, Facebook, and other third-party tags could cause harmful load times for your business. Some simple tags could be slowing your site way...
GDPR Basics for the Web
The content below is provided for informational purposes only. The information shared here is not meant to serve as legal advice. You should work closely...
Get $10k a Month from Google Ad Grants
Imagine being given $10k a month to spend on advertising for your charity. How much of a difference could that make to your cause? That’s...
Learning 2017 SEO Basics Through A Real-Life Example
We are now halfway through 2017. Yet, we still see SEO mistakes that have been happening for years. Learn how to improve your SEO through...
How to Configure Your Google Analytics Account
Google Analytics is free and most businesses have it on their sites, but they aren’t configuring it correctly. If you’re starting from scratch, or are...