
Featherlite Specialty Trailers Gets a Website Overhaul at PINT

Featherlite Specialty Trailers Gets a Website Overhaul at PINT

PINT, Inc and Featherlite Team Up to Design a New Website

Too Many Leads: Not Always a Good Problem to Have

The Featherlite Specialty Trailers team came to PINT with a common dilemma: Their website wasn’t pulling its weight in lead generation.

Actually, the site was delivering a very high quantity of leads to the sales team, but the big problem was in lead quality. As Mike Galvin, Specialty Sales Manager, put it, “It could be anything from an 8-year old kid that’s on there looking to see what Jeff Gordon’s trailer looks like to one of the team owners.” Diagnostics and Solutions

Featherlite had started fact finding early in the process by setting up an on-site visitor survey that asked users about their goals and experience on the site. The findings were clear: visitors wanted access to more information in the way of pictures, examples and literature on trailer customizations.

PINT installed its proprietary in-page analytics software and reviewed it against Featherlite’s existing analytics data to see what visitors were doing on the site. Three things proved to be very telling:

The Right Information, in the Right Place

Problem: The main navigation of featured a discrete number of Trailer Applications from Mobile Kitchens, to Classroom Trailers, to Unique Trailers. As the online surveys found, customers weren’t able to find the resources or trailer examples they were looking for, and consequently, “Unique” was the most trafficked trailer application (aside from Race Transporters, Featherlite’s original industry). The site navigation and structure was not lending itself to a helpful browsing experience for site visitors looking to find out about Featherlite and specialty trailers in general.

Solution: After interviewing Featherlite stakeholders, surveying site visitors and reviewing available resources and analytics, the revised site structure would focus on meeting the needs of all visitors, regardless of industry or position in the sales funnel. The revised navigation focuses on educating (in order of the trailer buying process) visitors about the company, the specialty trailer building process, example applications, and case studies. Further, the PINT team built a standalone “Trailer Gallery” that allows visitors to browse and sort through hundreds of images and videos of past Featherlite projects.

Create a Sales Funnel, Avoid the Tunnel

Problem: The calls to action on every internal trailer application page prompted visitors to visit the Available Inventory section, which required name and email submission to access. This deterred some potential leads, and also collected information of a large number of individuals with no intent or means to purchase a specialty trailer.

Solution: Featherlite Specialty Sales Managers follow a customer from the initial Request for Proposal process all the way to a delivered trailer and beyond. Rather than delivering them heaps of unfiltered leads through the Available Inventory section, PINT proposed “Speak to a Featherlite Specialty Sales Manager,” “Get a Quote,” and even “Share my Gallery” calls to action, placed appropriately throughout the site where visitors may be looking to get further details on trailer customization and pricing.

Educate Your Visitors – and Don’t Charge for Admission

Problem: Visitors reported not finding enough information on the Featherlite Specialty website. Little did they know, there was a 38-page PDF available for download on the homepage called “Mobile Marketing Trailer Basics.” This PDF contained troves of valuable and insightful information on things to consider when designing a trailer, yet less than one out of every thousand site visitors uncovered the information, since they needed to submit their name and email address to access it.

Solution: The Featherlite team reviewed, edited and sorted the content of the Trailer Basics article and worked with PINT to work all of the information seamlessly into the website to educate visitors about the ins and outs of the trailer building and maintenance process. That information can now be found in the “Trailer Basics” section of the redesigned website – no personal information necessary.

Custom Solutions are the Best Solutions

The development process of the new site aligned with the company’s own business model; to assess requirements and needs and meet them with a solution built to achieve those needs. PINT was brought on to review, analyze, plan, design and develop a custom solution from the ground up. The resulting website is unique to Featherlite Specialty’s needs and audience. From the look and feel to the site structure to the sortable trailer gallery and trackable cross-site information request forms, the site was built to help facilitate the information exchange and sales process. Early indications are showing strong results, too. “PINT’s new Featherlite Specialty Trailers site provides visitors with a much richer and broader view of what Featherlite can do for companies,” according to John Hall, director of corporate communications at Featherlite.”It offers a wealth of images and case studies from Featherlite’s past projects in a way that can be easily accessed and forwarded to others. This has helped generate new leads for us.”

Follow Featherlite Specialty Trailers on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn about the latest in mobile solutions.

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